Norton G216 Yellow
Item Notes: Norton G216 Yellow Sandpaper Roll
First choice for most sanding applications. Preferred product for automotive panel sanding and paint preparation. Durable Aluminium Oxide abrasive on a Flexible E Weight backing.
Semi open coat product - more 'open coat' in the coarser grits to resist clogging and more 'close coat' or denser grit coverage in the finer grits to promote finer finishing.
Size |
Roll Barcode |
Grit |
Product Code |
70 X 50 M |
9310357204657 |
36 |
Roll |
SPR/36 |
9310375204664 |
40 |
Roll |
SPR/40 |
9310357204671 |
60 |
Roll |
SPR/60 |
9310357204688 |
80 |
Roll |
SPR/80 |
9310357216254 |
100 |
Roll |
SPR/100 |
9310357215776 |
120 |
Roll |
SPR/120 |
Size |
Roll Barcode |
Grit |
Product Code |
115 X 50 M |
9310357204695 |
36 |
Roll |
SPR36 |
9310357204701 |
40 |
Roll |
SPR40 |
9310357204718 |
60 |
Roll |
SPR60 |
9310357204725 |
80 |
Roll |
SPR80 |
9310357215783 |
100 |
Roll |
SPR100 |
9310357212966 |
120 |
Roll |
SPR120 |
9310357245049 |
150 |
Roll |
SPR150 |
Size |
Roll Barcode |
Grit |
Product Code |
150 X 50 M |
9310357244875 |
36 |
Roll |
SPR36/150 |
9310357244905 |
40 |
Roll |
SPR40/150 |
9310357244936 |
60 |
Roll |
SPR60/150 |
9310357244967 |
80 |
Roll |
SPR80/150 |
9310357244998 |
100 |
Roll |
SPR100/150 |
9310357245025 |
120 |
Roll |
SPR120/150 |
9310357245070 |
150 |
Roll |
SPR150/150 |
0357245018 |
180 |
Roll |
SPR180 |
Master Painter Rolls
Ideal size for trade and D.I.Y painters
Size |
Roll Barcode |
Grit |
Product Code |
115 X 10 M |
9310357201335 |
40 |
Roll |
SPRP40 |
9310357201335 |
60 |
Roll |
SPRP60 |
9310357201359 |
80 |
Roll |
SPRP80 |
9310357246695 |
100 |
Roll |
SPRP100 |
9310357201366 |
120 |
Roll |
SPRP120 |
9310357246718 |
150 |
Roll |
SPRP150 |
9310357246725 |
180 |
Roll |
SPRP180 |
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Andy, Nina and Gary.
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