Norton Black Cut Off Wheels
Item Notes: For cutting most steel and iron based materials. Norton Black products are extremely consistent and developed to meet the highest industrial standards There is a bore size to suit all angle grinders and most common electric saws.
Diameter X Thick. X Bore |
Barcode |
Grade |
Max RPM |
Product Code |
100 X 2.5 X 16 |
93235624 |
A36 Metal |
15 300 |
100 |
MCW1002.516 |
115 X 2.5 X 22 |
93235631 |
A36 Metal |
13 300 |
100 |
MCW1152.522 |
125 X 2.5 X 22 |
93235655 |
A36 Metal |
12 200 |
100 |
MCW1252.522 |
180 X 2.5 X 16 |
9310357300250 |
A24 Metal |
8 500 |
50 |
MCW1802.516 |
180 X 2.5 X 20 |
9310357300267 |
A24 Metal |
8 500 |
50 |
MCW1802.520 |
180 X 2.5 X 22 |
9310357300274 |
A24 Metal |
8 500 |
50 |
MCW1802.522 |
200 X 2.5 X 16 |
9310357300298 |
A24 Metal |
7 600 |
50 |
MCW2002.516 |
200 X 2.5 X 22 |
9310357300304 |
A24 Metal |
7 600 |
50 |
MCW2002.522 |
200 X 2.5 X 25 |
9310357300311 |
A24 Metal |
7 600 |
50 |
MCW2002.525 |
200 X 2.5 X 35 |
9310357300328 |
A24 Metal |
7 600 |
50 |
MCW2002.535 |
230 X 2.5 X 22 |
9310357300359 |
A24 Metal |
6 600 |
50 |
MCW2302.522 |
230 X 2.5 X 25 |
9310357300342 |
A24 Metal |
6 600 |
50 |
MCW2302.525 |
230 X 2.5 X 35 |
9310357300366 |
A24 Metal |
6 600 |
50 |
MCW2302.535 |
300 X 3.0 X 25 |
9310357300397 |
A24 Metal |
4 600 |
10 |
MCW300325 |
300 X 3.4 X 20 |
9310357300694 |
A24 High Speed |
6 400 |
10 |
MCW3003.420HS |
300 X 3.4 X 25 |
9310357300755 |
A24 High Speed |
6 400 |
10 |
MCW3003.425HS |
350 X 3.0 X 25 |
9310357300410 |
A24 Metal |
3 900 |
10 |
MCW350325HS |
350 X 3.4 X 20 |
9310357300700 |
A24 High Speed |
5 500 |
10 |
MCW3503.420HS |
350 X 3.4 X 25 |
9310357300762 |
A24 High Speed |
5 500 |
10 |
MCW3503.425 |
400 X 3.5 X 25 |
9310357300748 |
A24 Metal |
3 820 |
10 |
MCW4003.525HS |
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