Garnet Sheets
Item Notes: Best for sanding uncoated wood. Suitable for price conscious markets. Garnet is a soft acting natural abrasive.
Garnet Sheets are a non-stock item for us, so you'll need to allow 2 days to order these in.
Size |
Pack Barcode |
Grit |
Pack |
Product Code |
230 X 280 |
9310357400943 |
40 |
50 |
SPG/40 |
9310357400950 |
60 |
50 |
SPG/60 |
9310357400967 |
80 |
50 |
SPG/80 |
9310357400974 |
100 |
50 |
SPG/100 |
9310357400981 |
120 |
50 |
SPG/120 |
9310357400998 |
150 |
50 |
SPG/150 |
9310357401001 |
180 |
50 |
SPG/180 |
9310357401018 |
220 |
50 |
SPG/220 |
9310357401025 |
240 |
50 |
SPG/240 |
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Kind regards,
Andy, Nina and Gary.
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